On the Road, Looking at Photos

Orion Picture Editor Jason Houston recently finished up another round of great portfolio reviews, this time for Portland, OR-based PhotoLucida. This annual week-long event brings together museum curators, gallery owners, magazine editors, book publishers, and other photography industry professionals from around the world to meet with emerging and mid-career artists looking to share work and make connections in the editorial and fine arts fields. For a magazine like Orion, with incredibly diverse needs for visual art in content, style, and approach such intensive events are a great way to see a large volume of high-quality work from thoughtful, dedicated artists. Jason also hosted a Lunch Time Chat titled “Art, Editorial & Doing Meaningful Work” where he facilitated a conversation about the challenges and rewards of doing long-term, mission-driven documentary projects and finding creative collaborations with editorial and non-profit organizations to support that good work (many thanks to Mary Virginia Swanson for her questions that kept it lively and interesting (and for the photo below))

Jason will be reviewing next at Center’s Santa Fe Portfolio Review June 4-7, 2009.