Trebbe Johnson and Guests Discuss the Psychology of Planetary Damage, November 13

UPDATE: listen to the audio recording of this event.

We’re confronted by ecological degradation everywhere we look these days, from clearcut forests to oceanic garbage to mountaintop removal mining scars. But is it possible to find beauty and redemption in these places? If you’re troubled by the decline of the planet, and want to learn more about the psychological impacts of its degradation, join us for a free live web event featuring Trebbe Johnson, Lily Yeh, and Glenn Albrecht.

Trebbe Johnson is the founder and director of Radical Joy in Hard Times and the author of The World Is a Waiting Lover. She describes the process of finding beauty in torn places in her essay in the November/December 2012 issue of Orion, “Gaze Even Here.”

Lily Yeh is an internationally celebrated artist and founder of the organizations Village of Arts & Humanities and Barefoot Artists, both of which foster community empowerment and the preservation of indigenous art and culture.

Dr. Glenn Albrecht, a professor at Murdoch University in Australia, is co-author of Health Social Science: A Transdisciplinary and Complexity Perspective. Glenn is known for coining the term solastalgia—the psychic or existential distress caused by environmental change.

The event will take place on November 13, at 7 p.m. Eastern, 4 p.m. Pacific. Trebbe, Lily, and Glenn will discuss the power of art and community to combat solastalgia, and will invite your questions and comments.

The event is free to join, will be moderated by Orion staff, and is open to all readers and friends. Register here.

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