Mitchell Thomashow

Mitchell Thomashow

Mitchell Thomashow devotes his life and work to promoting ecological awareness, sustainable living, creative learning, improvisational thinking, social networking, and organizational excellence. Currently he is engaged in teaching, writing, and executive consulting, cultivating opportunities and exchanges that transform how people engage with sustainability, ecological learning and the arts. His new project, The Ecological Imagination, brings together artists and writers, information designers, media innovators, computer programmers, social entrepreneurs and global change scientists.

Thomashow is the founder of Whole Terrain, an environmental literary publication, originating at Antioch University New England. He is a former Orion board member. He is a founding organizer of the Council of Environmental Deans and Directors (CEDD), a national organization that supports interdisciplinary environmental studies in higher education.  His new book, published in March 2014, The Nine Elements of a Sustainable Campus (The MIT Press) provides a framework for advancing sustainable living and teaching in a variety of campus environments.