Place Where You Live:

Orion (Constellation)– as seen in Florissant, CO

Since the beginning of mankind, stars have played an important role in human culture. From a story explaining a moral or to guide voyagers home, humans all have used stars. Growing up in the town of Tulsa, Oklahoma, I’ve always been privileged enough to see the stars at night. All though I have lived in several different homes, I have always found comfort in looking up at the same night sky.

I first sparked an interest in stars in the fifth grade when I was assigned the constellation, Orion. One of the most promenade constellations in the sky, I was always excited when I pointed him out. While researching Orion, I found that he is always visible worldwide. This had my 5th grade mind thinking—about how mind blowing it is that all six million of us can see the same constellation? I immediately felt a connection to the world around me today.

Later that year, I ventured off to an outdoors camp in Colorado for the first time. I was embarking for two weeks on my own at a new place where I did not know anybody. The first night as I was walking to my cabin, I glanced up at the beautiful night sky. With little to no light pollution, I felt like I could jump and skim the stars had I wanted to. After staring in awe for a moment, I noticed the great line of stars that made up Orion’s broad belt. Then I noticed his broad shoulders and sword as he prepared to skin his kill. Like seeing an old friend, a great smile spread across my face accompanied with a feeling of ease. I realized how Orion connected me to all of the other people gazing up at the sky at the same time as me.