Place Where You Live:

Chicago, Illinois

Fourteen hours is the duration of the ride from Jackson, Mississippi to Chicago, Illinois if you decide to go by train. Though I had never been on a train the set up satisfied all my anxieties and expectation. The space between seats were wide enough that my six-foot frame lay down when the seat was extended. There were only two seats per section and the person next to me had their own armrest. The shades of the train blocked the setting sun from getting into my eyes. The murmurs from all the conversations started to fade as the rocking and knocking of the train was the perfect lullaby to put everyone to sleep, including me. When I woke up I was welcomed by the night light of the Hernado De Soto bridge. This bridge connects West Memphis, Arkansas to Memphis, Tennessee across the Mississippi River. I fell back asleep from thinking tirelessly of what Chicago would be like then, finally, I awoke in the Windy City.

Upon arrival I could tell that Chicago is the most modern city in the United States. Built in 1881 and reopened in 1925, Union Station is the oldest and only intercity terminal in Chicago.It is amazing the amount of focus everyone has rushing to where they need to be talking on the phone ignoring all the noise of the city. New York has the same busy atmosphere but, the wind in Chicago give a breathe of life which in unlike any other city. In the historical district you could find deep dish pizza, a specialty of natives. Grant Park would make your heart skip a beat and gazing from a distance as traffic slowly moves along. Across the road the grass field in front of the building welcomes families to come by even if they don’t want to go in. The Trump Tower grabs your attention immediately notifying you his handle in Chicago. There is no one aspect of the city that can simply embodies Chicago’s modernity every structure holds a meaning and a piece of Chicago in it.